The SMART SERIES, currently exclusive to Minnesota, is a series of lectures presented to the University of Minnesota Dental students by MN AGD dentists. The SMART SERIES includes 16 lectures covering 16 categories that are needed to attain Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry. There are 4 lectures per year for 4 years, which cover the 16 categories. The SMART SERIES lectures are on a rotating schedule so dental students will have the opportunity to attend all lectures during their 4-year dental curriculum. The lectures are typically 2 hrs long and are usually presented from 5-7 pm on Wednesday evenings at the School of Dentistry.
SMART SERIES topics include:
1. Basic Science
2. Endodontics
3. Myofacial Pain & Occlusion
4. Operative Dentistry
5. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
6. Orthodontics
7. Pediatrics
8. Periodontics
9. Practice Management
10. Fixed Prosthetics
11. Removable Prosthetics
12. Dental Implants
13. Oral Medicine & Oral Disease
14. Special Patient Care
15. Esthetics
16. Electives (Sedation & Pharmacology)